The idea of DeSci Belgrade was actually born in Berlin, at DeSci Berlin, the year before it actually happened, in 2022. Filip, open knowledge believer and open data advocate, was curious and visited alone, and liked it a lot. He has been following the nascent field/movement from the sidelines for awhile.
Then ETHBelgrade was announced. And Filip, always interested in action, saw the perfect opportunity to kickstart DeSci in Serbia.
Then Filip met Josh. Online, of course. Who wanted to do the same thing – DeSci during ETHBelgrade – but with a twist of establishing a global network of DeSci communities around the world, all inter-connected. As you might expect: they joined forces and the World of DeSci: Belgrade conference was organized. The event also marks the birthplace of DeSci Belgrade.

This is how it went.
Then they talked at the pod, if you have an hour or so to spare.
Our work today is structured around Initiatives.